
2 RUR Gallery


2 RUR drilling at the Ballymena Barracks 8 November 1940 - none of men have more than 3 months service (IWM)

2 RUR drilling at the Ballymena Barracks 8 November 1940 (IWM)

2 RUR drilling at the Ballymena Barracks 8 November 1940 (IWM)

Commander in Chief chatting to 2 RUR personnel 13 November 1942 (IWM)

Montgomery inspecting 2 RUR personnel - Hawick - 9 February 1944 (IWM)

Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick - St Patrick's Day 17 March 1944 visit Major General R.H.Lorie C.B  C.B.E. 
(Image courtesy of Donlea family - copyright protected)

St Patrick's Day 1944 - Major General R.H.Lorie C.B  C.B.E. presenting the shamrock to Major de Longueuil (later awarded the MC). On the Major's right is Lieutenant Campbell; on the Major's left is Captain Watson, Lieutenant Diserens and Lieutenant Rand.

9th Platoon of 'A' Company 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick - 1944
Platoon leader Lt D H Walsh centre of front row (wounded at Cambes 09/06/44), Rifleman Hugh McCauley (7015312) is second from left on second row from front.

'B' Company Headquarters 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick - 1944
Major J W Hyde centre right of front row, Rifleman Michael Kevin Ryan MM (6197005) is far left on front row (KIA at Cambes on 4th July 1944).

Possibly a Platoon of B Company of 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick - 1944
Rifleman Daniel Staley stood 7th from left on back row (photo supplied by his daughter). The Lance Corporal seated 3rd from left apears to be the same Lance Corporal shown in the Signals Platoon photograph below.

Officers of 'C' Company 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick - 1944
Lt R C (Bobby) Diserens, Lt C C (Cyril)  Rand
Capt N R V (Norman) Watson, Maj. J S C G (Stuart) de Longueuil, Lt R D (Roy) Purcell.
Lieutenant Diserens and Captain Watson were both KIA as a result of shelling at Cambes (see Fallen Officers page),

Unknown Platoon of 'C' Company 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick - 1944
Lt C C Rand sat in centre with Sgt Hammersley on his left.

Unknown Platoon of 'C' Company 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick - 1944
Lt R D Purcell sat in centre

'D' Company - 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick -1944
Front Row Officers believed to be:
Lt S M Lennox ; Capt J Montgomery (2ic) ; Capt J R Stj Aldworth (CO), Lt H Greene
Sgt L M G Fryer is 9th from right hand side on front row.

Platoon of 'D' Company 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick - 1944
Rifleman William John Hill is first on left, second row down. Rifleman William Mcveigh also believed to be in this Platoon photo.

Platoon of 'D' Company 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick - 1944
Lt S M Lennox MC in centre with Sergeant L M G Fryer 7016683 (injured at Cambes and latterly with 9th British Infantry Brigade HQ) on his immediate right.

18th Platoon 'D' Company 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick - 1944
Back Row - Rifleman Harry Brown ; RFM Stevenson ; RFM Desmond Bradley ; RFM Jack Allshire ; RFM Richardson ; RFM Gallagher ; RFM Lomax

Middle Row - RFM Richard Keegan ; RFM Rawnsley ; RFM Williamson ; RFM Bradley ; RFM Faulkner ; RFM McAllister ; RFM Smythe ; L/Cpl O'Halloran

Front Row - L/Cpl McIlroy ; Cpl Killeps? ; Sgt Teague ; Lt H Greene ; Cpl Kohler ; L/Cpl Fitzgerald ; L/Cpl Houghton
Sat at Front: ?????? ; RFM Smith

Signal Platoon 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles  - Hawick - 1944
Front Row - Third from left - Sgt David Taylor
Lt F W McFaull in centre

Believed to be Reinforcement Company - 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Hawick -1944
Front Row Officers believed to be:
RSM Fleming ; Lt S C N Beavan ; Lt G P Flack ; Capt W E S Sturgeon ; Lt/Col I C Harris; Capt K G Perona-Wright; Capt J G Guinane RAChD ; Maj J W Hyde
Sgt D Taylor - Front Row - third from right

L/Cpl E. B. Bunston second from right in middle row
 Lt/Col J Drummond DSO (Battalion Commander from January 1945) in centre of front row 

Officers 2nd L.T. A.A. REGT R.A. (2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles) - 1944

Officers of 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Droxford - 19 May 1944
Front Row Left to Right:Maj. J S C G de Longueuil, Maj J W Hyde, Maj C R P Sweeny M.C. , Capt W E S Sturgeon ; Lt/Col I H Richards, Lt/Col I C Harris, General Sir Bernard L Montgomery K.C.B D.S.O , Maj B J FitzG.Donlea M.C. , Maj W D Tighe Wood , Capt M D G Ryan , Capt J R St J Aldworth , Capt (QM) C H D Henniker
Second Row Left-Right:Lt G P Flack , Lt L F Laving , Capt J G Guinane RAChD , Capt N R V Watson , Capt H M Gaffikin , Capt K G Perona Wright , Capt C R Gray , Capt J Montgomery , Capt W H Baudains M.M. , Capt A C Bird , Capt C R Wright R.A.M.C
Third Row Left-Right:Capt H M Sheane , Lt R D Purcell , Lt H Greene , Lt F W McFaull , Lt R C Diserens , Lt R S Hall , Lt E J Bourke , Lt S E Frost , Lt S C N Beavan , Lt R Lyttle , Lt S M Lennox
Back Row Left to Right:Lt C C Rand , Lt H D D O'Neil , Lt W E Palmer , Lt D H Walsh , Lt D R R Greer , Lt M P Scanlon , Lt J H St.J.Cooper , Capt F Kirk M.C.

NCOs of 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles - Droxford - 19 May 1944
Front Row Left to Right: CQMS Patterson, CQMS McCartney, CSM Turner, CSM Lutton, CSM Long, Capt(QM) C.H.D. Henniker, Lt/Col I.C.Harris, RSM Fleming, General Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, KCB, DSO, RQMS Connell, Maj. B.J.FitzG. Donlea, MC, Cap J.G.Guinane,RAChD, CSM Watson, CSM Walsh, CSM Kelly, CQMS Cherry, CQMS Cooke. 
Second Row Left-Right: CQMS McEnhill, Sgt Brown, Sgt Teague, L/Sgt Hodgkinson, Sgt Murray, Sgt Woolford, Sgt Tipper, CSM Bennett, Sgt McConville, Sgt Morris, Sgt Gunn, Sgt Stirling, Sgt Gilmore, L/Sgt Young, Sgt McConville(ACC), CQMS Daly. 
Third Row Left-Right: Sgt Somerville(ACC), Sgt Fryer, CQMS Mitchell, Sgt Nixon, Sgt McGrady, Sgt McCutcheon, Sgt Patterson, Sgt Corbett, Sgt Dickens, Sgt Creaney, Sgt Knight, L/Sgt Close, Sgt Birmingham, Sgt Montgomery, L/Sgt McCann, Sgt Millen.
Back Row Left to Right: Sgt Martin, Sgt Blight, Sgt Taylor, Sgt Toms, L/Sgt Bennett, L/Sgt Hughes, Sgt Kavanagh, L/Sgt Dunkling, L/Sgt Ross, Sgt Hammersley, Sgt Dyer, Sgt Daly, Sgt Rainey, Sgt Young, L/Sgt Stewart, Sgt Drumgoole.

War Diary

View Video Footage

Visit by Montgomery at Droxford 19th May 1944

Montgomery greeted on arrival by Lieut Colonel IC Harris - Droxford 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery chats with Lieutenant Colonel Harris 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Major Donlea MC, Montgomery and Lieutenant Colonel Harris - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery inspects Guard of Honour at Droxford - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery speaking to matron Sister I Patrick at Camp Reception Station - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery speaking to nurses at Camp Reception Station - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery inspecting personnel - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery inspecting personnel - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery speaking to Captain WE Sturgeon of Newry - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery speaking to Colour Sergeant Paterson of Belfast - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery speaking to Left to Right to Sgt W J McCutcheon (7011570), Sgt J Patterson, Sgt T Corbett (7012216) and L Cpl J Curran all from Belfast

Montgomery speaking to Lance Corporal Nolan or Tampo, Inniskillen - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery speaking to Lieut DH Walsh of Dublin - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery speaking to Rifleman Michael Ryan of Birmingham who was awarded MM for action at Ypres 1940 and was one of those responsible for the safe arrival of the 2nd Battalion on the beach on D-Day by securing a line to the beach (IWM)

Montgomery speaking to RSM S Fleming of Belfast who had 25 years service with 2 RUR. Lieutenant Colonel Harris is in the background. Fleming would later be awarded the Military Cross for his actions in near Troarn, Normandy (IWM)

Montgomery speaking to Sergeant Cook McConville of Armagh who served with him at Brigade HQ in 1939 (IWM)

 Montgomery talks to CSM Kelly (second from right) during visit and inspection at Droxford 19 May 1944 (IWM)

 Montgomery speaking to Sergeants drawn up for inspection - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery inspects Rfn McCracken wearing contents of D-Day landing kit list  (IWM)

Montgomery addresses troops of 2 RUR at Droxford 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery addresses troops of 2 RUR at Droxford 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery addresses troops of 2 RUR at Droxford 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery addresses troops of 2 RUR at Droxford 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery addresses troops of 2 RUR at Droxford 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery addresses troops of 2 RUR at Droxford 19 May 1944 (IWM)

 Montgomery addresses troops of 2 RUR at Droxford 19 May 1944 (IWM)

 Montgomery addresses troops of 2 RUR at Droxford 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery addresses troops of 2 RUR at Droxford 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery takes salute from 2 RUR at end of visit - Droxford - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Montgomery takes salute from 2 RUR at end of visit - Droxford - 19 May 1944 (IWM)

Rifleman E Whitehorn - 7016638 - The first member of the Royal Ulster Rifles to be killed on D-Day

Registered in the Official History as having died on the 12th June, it has been subsequently identified by author Mark Scott that Rifleman Whitehorn was a Motor Transport fitter who was part of a 12 man detachment from 2 RUR aboard the SS Sambut that was laden with ammunition and supplies to support the landings and who was killed when the vessel was was shelled around midday on D-Day.
The ship was passing through the Dover Straits as part of a convoy when it was hit by a shell from a German coastal battery at Cap Gris-Nez, 19 miles away on the Calais coast, that is believed to have been able to target it because of an anti aircraft barrage balloon that it was towing showing up against the Dover cliffs.

2 RUR on Sword Queen beach 6 June 1944 (IWM)

 2 RUR pause in La Brèche d'Hermanville during their move inland 6 June 1944 (IWM)

 Riflemen of 2 RUR passing through Caen on the way to take the river Orne bridges - 10 July 1944 (IWM)

 British troops in ruins of Caen with 2 RUR member in Caubeen on right - 10 July 1944 (IWM)

 Troops of 2 RUR passing through Caen on the way to secure bridges over the River Orne - 10 July 1944 (IWM)

Rifleman B. Armstrong (Royal Ulster Rifles) of Collyhurst, Manchester, and Private Bannister (1st King's Own Scottish Borderers) of Newcastle, read their newspaper amidst the ruins of Caen - 10 July 1944 (IWM)

Rifleman E Willis of Hounslow and Lance Corporal BJ Smith of Birkenhead from HQ Company 2 RUR in Observation Post on the banks of the Rhine  - 22 March 1945 (IWM)

 2 RUR with South Lancashire Regiment clearing a street in Bremen - 26 April 1945 (IWM)

  2 RUR with South Lancashire Regiment clearing a street in Bremen - 26 April 1945 (IWM)

Major Charles Sweeny
Killed in a road accident on 9th May 1945 after the German surrender on the north flank had taken place. Whilst escorting a German Admiral back to Kiel and the car left the road and crashed into a tree.

Major Charles Sweeny
Major Charles Sweeny MC with other Montgomery Liaison Officers on 12th April 1945 just before he died.

Funeral of Major Charles Sweeny - 13 May 1945

10 gun salute at Major Sweeny's funeral

Montgomery giving a final salute at Major Sweeny's funeral

Honours and Awards Photos

Corporal O'Reilly 7020028 receiving his Distinguished Conduct Medal from Montgomery 27th July 1944 (IWM)

Rifleman Jeremiah Long MM (7014577) and Rifleman Hugh Henry McGlennon MM (7012171), just prior to being decorated by Montgomery on 27th July 1944 for their bravery at the battle of Cambes (see IWM Video footage on separate page)

Company Quartermaster Sergeant WJ Sharkey 7010920 receiving DCM from Montgomery (IWM)

Corporal W Reid receives Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM) from Montgomery - 18 November 1944 (IWM)

Corporal Reid DCM, Rifleman Charles MM and Sergeant Sharkey DCM having just received their awards from Montgomery

6986230 Rifleman Andrew Charles MM 

Major John Charles Stuart Grant de Longueuil receiving the Military Cross from Montgomery 28th April 1945 (IWM)
The award was for action with the 2nd Battalion at Troarn and presented after he had transferred to the 1st Battalion.

Major John Charles Stuart Grant de Longueuil of 1st Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles at Buckingham Palace Investiture with his mother & sister 28th June 1945 for award of MC for action with 2nd Battlaion Royal Ulster Rifles at Troarn in 1944 (see Awards page)

Other Photos of Known 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles Members

Lieutenant H.D.D. O'Neill (far right) - Unknown location
(Descendants would welcome any information relating to area where photo taken and/or other persons in photo)

Lieutenant H.D.D. O'Neill's modified Jeep

Rifleman John Henry Ball 7016624 - 2 RUR
Believed to have been KIA on 9th June 1944 as part of second assault on Cambes Wood.

Rifleman Henry Joseph Valentine 7016349 - 2RUR
A member of Headquarters Company and killed by shrapnel during the assaults on Cambes Wood 7th-9th June.

Lieutenant S E Frost
Accidentally killed on 27th June 1944 at Cambes Wood having trodden on a mine.

Rifleman Arthur Desmond Bradley - Killed in Action - 17/06/1944
Rifleman Arthur Desmond Bradley - Killed in Action - 17/06/1944

Rifleman Hugh McCauley (7015312), wounded at Cambes 28/06/44

Rifleman Edward Francis Bailey (7016406)

Rifleman Hugh Maguire - Awarded Legion d'Honneur in 2015

Lance Corporal Patrick O'Hagan

Rifleman John Shanahan

Lance Corporal Robert Daly, 2 RUR

Rifleman Sam Lowry, 2 RUR

Rifleman Hamilton Lawrence, 2 RUR

Rifleman Stanley Burrows, 2 RUR

 Rifleman Hugh Crangle, 2 RUR

Corporal Hugh Henry Millar (7014297), 2 RUR
Corporal Hugh Millar served was killed in action on 7th June 1944 (most likely as part of D Company during the first attack on Cambes Wood).

Corporal Frank Thomas George Wallis (7019327), 2 RUR
Corporal Frank Wallis 7019327 was killed in action on the 19th July 1944 during the advance on Troarn.

Rifleman William Millar (7016788) from Ballymena, NI
Rifleman William Millar served as a Bren Gunner with 2RUR during the Second World War and his brother Robert is also believed to have served with 1RUR. Their father, William Snr, served in the First World War with the 12th Royal Irish Rifles.
William Jnr subsequently went on to serve with the RUR in the 1960s and the UDR in the 1970s. His son served with the UDR in the 1980s and Royal Irish Regiment in the 1990s and his grandson served with the Royal Irish Regiment from 2006 until 2016.

Rifleman William John Hill, 2 RUR
Rifleman William Hill served with 2RUR during World War 2 and experienced a lucky escape when a penny he had in his breast pocket deflected shrapnel or a round into his upper arm (not removed until the 1960s). 
In later years he became Provost Sergeant of the 6th (TAVR) Battalion and was also a council member of the RUR association club in Waring Street. His father, also William Hill, was a veteran of World War 1 with the 15th RIR / 1st Batt RIF. 

Lance Corporal Edward Brandon Bunston 7021050, 2 RUR
Rifleman Bunston 7021050 (on left above) was a stretcher bearer in C Company who was Mentioned in Despatches and also received a Commendation Card.

Below, Lance Corporal Bunston 7021050 in Palestine.

Rifleman William Sargent 14443269
Rifleman Sargent was with 2 RUR until he transferred to 2nd Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment in Holland in 1944 (pictured with Min Sargent who served with the RAF).

Rifleman George Williamson 7022501
Rifleman Williamson came from Park Street, Ballyclare and landed with the 2nd Battalion on D-Day. He was killed in action on the 30th November 1944 when a man in his platoon stood on a mine and killed 3 men including George.

Lance Corporal William S Holmes 7045707
Lance Corporal Homes was the eldest of three brothers involved with the D-Day Landings. Bill was the eldest and landed with 2 RUR, his younger brother Fred was a Royal Marine Coxswain on LCM 154 landing craft that landed on Juno on the 6th . The youngest brother Tom was a seaman on HMS Cockatrice, one of the many minesweepers clearing the channel for the invasion. Bill was killed in action on 21st July 1944 outside Troarn aged 29.

Rifleman Robert Glass - A Company - 2 RUR
Rifleman Glass was born and lived in Cogry and enlisted in Belfast 1941. He landed in Normandy on D-Day and was later taken Prisoner of War in late 1944

Sergeant Alfred Reginald (Reg) Hammersley,
Captain of the 2 RUR football team that played in Beers on 8 October 1944 and subsequently wounded and evacuated at the first attack on Wanssum on 30th November.

 Rifleman Albert Victor Bushell 6215937 - KIA 14/15 October 1944 
Rifleman Bushell served as a stretcher bearer in D Company and later Headquarters Company, he was mortally wounded by shrapnel to the back on 14/15 October 1944 at Overloon. 
See Overloon War Chronicles website for full biography.

Lance Corporal William Henry Lewis  5726309 - KIA 15 October 1944
Rifleman Lewis was killed in action on 15 October 1944 in the vicinity of Overloon.
See Overloon War Chronicles website for full biography.

 Rifleman James Cairns 7015467  - KIA 25 October 1944 
Rifleman Cairns was a member of the Headquarters Signals Section who was wounded by shrapnel on the 10th July 1944 outside Caen but later died on the 25th October and is buried at Ghent City Cemetery in Belgium.

3778633  Rifleman William Fred Grindrod from Bury
Died 30th November 1944 aged 25 years old, killed during the first attack on the Wanssum pocket, initially reported as missing presumed Prisoner of War, he was subsequently confirmed to have been killed in action.

Rifleman Harold Banton 14706469
KIA on 30th November 1944 as part of first attack on Wanssum

Rifleman James Martin Dick  14730903
KIA on 30th November 1944 as part of first attack on Wanssum

7020024 Rifleman Kenneth Erskine, 2 RUR
Killed in action 14th October 1944. Age 22.
See Overloon War Chronicles website for full biography.

Lance Corporal William ONeill 14431233 
Wounded in action 23rd October 1944. 

7011515 Serjeant George Robert Schofield from Armagh
Serjeant Schofield served with the Royal Ulster Rifles between 1931-38, was recalled to the colours in 1939, was part of the British Expeditionary Force in 1940 and was recommended for the Military Medal for his part in action at the railway station in Louvain prior to escaping via Dunkirk. He returned to action via Sword Beach on 6th June 1944 and was platoon Serjeant of the Mortar Platoon, S Company that was part of the successful but costly Battalion attack on Cambes Wood on 9th June. He was killed in action on the 1st November 1944 during action around Venray. 
Born in Kent, he was the son of George William and Margaret Schofield, of Laleham, Middlesex.

7021619 Corporal Eric Boyd, 2RUR.
 Died of wounds 1944 6th October 1944.  

7020380 Rifleman John Walton, 2RUR.
KIA 3rd November 1944 aged 33.  

1772964  Rifleman Joseph Robinson, 2RUR.
 KIA 30th November 1944 during attack on Wanssum.  

7020434 Lance Corporal Richard Stewart, 2RUR.
 Lance Corporal Stewart wserved with C company, 2 RUR when he was Killed in Action on 30th November 1944 during the first attack on Wanssum aged 28.

Rifleman Melvern Roy Guy 14691055 from Risca near Newport, 2 RUR
 Went to France a week after D Day and died 13 October 1944 during an attack to secure two woods to the west and south west of Overloon. Although they achieved their objectives, whilst in the wood, he was killed by an almost direct mortar hit and died instantly. He worked for a haulage contractor and was in the Home Guard for three years before joining D Company 2nd Battalion, Royal Ulster Rifles. See Overloon War Chronicles for full biography. 

Rifleman Derick Birch 2 Royal Ulster Rifles

6197005 Rifleman Michael Kevin Ryan MM,    WO/373/15/355
Rifleman Ryan MM of B Company speaking to Montgomery prior to DDay. He was later killed in action as a result of shelling at Cambes on the 4th July 1944.

Rifleman Daniel Staley and post War with his mate "Robbo" 

Life in 2 RUR Barracks
Centre of Back Row: Sgt David Taylor

2 RUR Football
Far Left of Back Row: Sgt David Taylor

Band of Brothers - The Beck Family circa 1940
Bottom Left: Robert William Beck  - 7020200 ; Bottom Right: William Beck - 7018156
Top Right - Johnny Beck - 7018164 ; Top Left - Unknown friend of Johnny.

Another Band of Brothers - The Magill Family from Belfast
LEFT - Rifleman Andrew Magill, 2nd Battalion RUR, survived the war and served in Korea where was a POWcaptured at the lmjin River on 25th April 1951.
RIGHT - Rifleman Nathaniel Morton Magill 1st Battalion RUR, killed in action 11th June 1944 when came under fire from snipers at Longueval.
Two other bothers served, Rifleman TJ Magill with 2 RUR and another in Italy.

Another Band of Brothers - 2 RUR Band

9th British Infantry Brigade HQ - Defence Platoon
Members of 9th British Infantry Brigade Headquarters Defence Platoon May 1945, Lengerich, Germany, comprising troops from: 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles; 1st Battalion Kings Own Scottish Borderers; 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire regiment.
 Brigadier W Kempter OBE of Kings Shropshire Light Infantry sat centre with Lieutenant M.P. Scanlon (Camp Commandant) of 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles sat on his right and Sergeant L M G Fryer 7016683 of 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles sat on his left..
See for further details.

9th British Infantry Brigade HQ - Non Commissioned Officers
NCOs of 9th British Infantry Brigade Headquarters, believed to have been taken in May 1945, Lengerich, Germany, comprising troops from: 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles; 1st Battalion Kings Own Scottish Borderers; 2nd Battalion Lincolnshire regiment and other unidentified Regiemnts.
Sergeant L M G Fryer 7016683 of 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles stood at far right hand side..

9th British Infantry Brigade HQ - Defence Platoon
Officers of  9th British Infantry Brigade Headquarters - Lengerich 1945

Believed to be back Row (Left to Right)
1. T/Captain TG Badham Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers/Royal Ulster Rifles - age 35
2. Lieutenant MP Scanlon - Royal Irish Fusiliers/Royal Ulster Rifles - age 27
3. Unknown 
4. Lieutenant EG Barker - Royal Ulster Rifles - age 34
5. Lieutenant MJ Wheelock - Kings Shropshire Light Infantry - age 21
6. Unknown 
7. Unknown 

Front Row (Left to Right)
1. T/Captain FL Usher - Royal Engineers - age 40
2. T/Captain MC Quarmby - Dorset Regiment - age 25
3. T/Major D Montgomery - Royal East Kent Regiment/Buffs - age 26
 4. A/Brigadier WFS Kempster - Kings Shropshire Light Infantry - age 36
5. A/Major JE Driver - Duke of Wellington (West Riding) Regiment - age 33
6. T/Captain E Quinn - The Kings Regiment - age 25
7. Unknown 

Chaplains with Brigade Headquarters at the time were:
1. Chaplain DW Jones (attached to 2 Lincolns) - age 34
2. Chaplain WIG Wilson (attached to 1 KOSB) - age 32
3. Chaplain JP O’Brien (attached to 2 RUR) - age 26

The unidentified Captains with Brigade Headquarters at the time were:
1. T/Captain HS Nettleton (RASC) - age 36
2. T/Captain DCW Milton (KOSB) - age 28

Photos of various other members of 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles who were attached to 9th British Infantry Brigade at the end of the War can be found here:
9th British Infantry Brigade Headquarters Photos

Other (Unknown) Members of 2 RUR During World War 2

 1948 05 01 Amalgamation of Officers of 1st Battalion & 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles